Most of our clients make donations to charities - but do not always receive a full tax...
News Articles
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Own a Business? Have Kids Under the Age of 18? You Can Lower Your Taxes Between $5K and $15K Annually
Business owners who have children under the age of 18 may be able to save between...
401K or ROTH IRA? Which Is Better?
Many of our clients ask us about the benefits of a Roth IRA vs a 401(k) - or wish they could be...
What Tax Changes Can We Expect in 2022 and Beyond?
Last Friday, the Whitehouse released a 72-page Fiscal Year End 2022 Budget. It is worthwhile for...
Advanced Tax Reduction Strategies: Beyond Retirement and Deductions
If you have been told that tax reduction planning is no more than retirement planning and...
Can Life Insurance Help Combat Proposed Tax Increases?
With tax hikes on the horizon, including increased taxes on inheritance, it's no wonder...
Can a Rental Real Estate Investment Help Me Lower My Taxes?
Real estate investments are becoming more and more popular among medical and healthcare...